You are about to apply to join ILDP as an Affiliate.

The following outlines the process that we will take to complete this application.

Step 1 - Complete and submit the form below.

Step 2 - On submission you will be taken to a secure website where you can enter your credit card details for the payment.

Step 3 - Once the payment is complete you will return to the affiliate application form. Complete the details on the form and click Join. You will then be provided with a message confirming your application and informing you that you have been sent an email.

Step 4 - Once you recieve the email (should be within the hour), you will need to click on a link in the email to activate your account. You can then log into the ILDP website.

Product Associated Organisation Price (AU$)
Standard Affiliate
n /a $75.00
Discount Affiliate

Street/P.O. Box
Post Code

When you press "Submit" you will be taken to a secure area where you can safely enter your credit card information.

Your credit card payment will be processed securely by DirectOne Payment Solutions.

Please click the DirectOne logo below to find out more about payment security.

Powered by DirectOne Payment Solutions